No mínimo, que termine em cima de uns lençóis de seda. | 12 | 22% |
Uma noite divertida, uma conversa interessante, regada com um belo vinho verde tinto. | 12 | 22% |
Esperamos que comece como deveria terminar. Quem quer saber do lombo?! | 11 | 20% |
Um jantar a dois nunca é inocente. | 9 | 17% |
Other... | 8 | 15% |
Depende da qualidade do lombo. | 2 | 4% |
"Assim como o canguru tem a bolsa para carregar o filhote, uma perua fechada, tipo furgão, é idela para dois ocupantes e cargas, um bom veículo para trabalho e para fazer entregas. Mas, na Austrália, país-ilha-continente, imenso, ele é usado para lazer - e muito apreciado.
A Holden australiana começou as suas atividades em 1917, construíndo carrocerias para automóveis. Carregava o sobrenome de seu fundador, Edward Wheeldon Holden. Antes disso era especialista em carruagens. Em 1926, a poderosa americana General Motors assumia o controle acionário e passava a construir seus modelos no país. Em 1948 a Holden começava a construir seus próprios modelos com mais independência, fabricados no território de Victoria, em Port Melbourne, ao sul do país." -
Faltam 10 dias para os "Lobos" brilharem na Rugby World Cup na França. Os nossos adversários no grupo são a Roménia, a Itália, a Escócia e os grandes All Blacks. Aqui estão eles e o seu Haka.
Parecem maus, não é?! Mas, se os virmos por um outro ângulo, talvez não assustem assim tanto. Por exemplo, Daniel Carter, aqui com o seu uniforme de malvado dos relvados...
... e agora com o ar de menino malvado...
Mas, se é verdade que muita gente pensa que Portugal vai apenas marcar presença no Mundial, eu sou optimista e gosto de acreditar que apesar de sermos rookies, vamos dar muita luta. Por isso, FORÇA LOBOS!!!!
E eu que pensava que motoristas kamikaze só existiam na Gold Coast, mas afinal acho que isto é um hobby australiano. Assustar os turistas e depois dizer com a maior das calmas "No worries, mate!"
Em Sydney, há corridas de autocarros e os motoristas divertem-se a tirar fotos aos conta-km...
SYDNEY bus drivers have been caught on camera drag racing through a Western Suburbs tunnel and photographing their feats in a competition to see who can reach the highest speed.
"The RTA has experienced (in open road situations) drivers intentionally speeding to see who can get the highest number and photographing it as proof," read a July 11 email from the RTA's western Sydney regional manager Craig Murray to private operator Busways. -
Superstar striker, Mario Jardel, has arrived in Newcastle with high expectations, and a burning desire to succeed at his new club. The two-time European Golden Boot winner has attended his first training session with his Jets teammates yesterday afternoon, following a press conference which introduced him to the city.
“I want to help the club become Champions” Jardel opened. “I want to be an asset to the club, and I want to bring something positive to the club. It’s a pleasure being here, and I am very determined to do well in Newcastle.”
Modest in his approach, despite boasting a world-class C.V., the 33 year-old Brazilian marksman is fully aware of the task ahead of him in a new country. “What I can definitely promise is a lot of work; I like to work, and hopefully the results will follow.”
The new talk-of-the-town, Jardel, has signed a one year-deal with the Jets, which will see him become the new Marquee signing for the club. In what is surely one of the biggest-name signings in Australian football history, the Newcastle Jets, and their fans, are eager to see what "Super Mario" will produce once he dons the gold jersey.
Mario concluded his thoughts on joining the Jets in suitably cool, optimistic fashion; “From now on my work starts with the club. And hopefully we will win some titles.” -
O que dizer do Super Mário... Game Over?!
As mulheres australianas preferem os homens que fazem "trabalhos manuais". É verdade. Algo me diz que não são apenas as Australianas, eu própria, sempre que posso, passo por um estaleiro das obras, já para não falar dos empregados de mesa, com quem gosto de flirtar.
Top 10 professions people prefer to date
1 Carpenter
2 Tiler
3 Painter
4 Builder
5 Plumber
6 Banker
7 Doctor
8 Lawyer
9 Accountant
10 Psychiatrist
Source -
Não só, os carpinteiros, os canalizadores, os trolhas, são mais atraentes - "All women deep down like a man who can protect them. It's a bit of a caveman thing... when women are ovulating they are attracted to rough and ready types," -, como também são dos que mais ganham dinheiro aqui na Austrália. Depois de saberem isto, a minha pergunta é... estão à espera do quê?
Sector | Minimum | Maximum | Average |
Accounting | $41,023 | $127,503 | $72,813 |
Admin/Office Support | $29,773 | $73,328 | $44,889 |
Automotive | $34,748 | $133,889 | $60,596 |
Banking & Financial Services | $37,727 | $152,955 | $70,806 |
Community, Sport & Leisure | $30,218 | $95,842 | $55,670 |
Construction, Building & Architecture | $42,800 | $169,412 | $96,178 |
Customer Service & Call Centre | $31,749 | $88,571 | $44,256 |
Education | $34,609 | $111,085 | $57,100 |
Engineering | $45,536 | $173,964 | $97,268 |
Executive | $46,463 | $213,750 | $108,299 |
Government & Defence | $41,709 | $135,832 | $68,479 |
Graduate | $29,080 | $143,242 | $49,046 |
Hospitality, Travel & Tourism | $30,361 | $99,941 | $51,175 |
Human Resources & Recruitment | $39,370 | $173,000 | $76,898 |
Insurance | $32,727 | $138,636 | $58,194 |
IT & Telecommunications | $42,000 | $165,193 | $90,404 |
Legal | $41,118 | $208,824 | $72,007 |
Logistics, Transport & Supply | $32,972 | $123,861 | $63,359 |
Manufacturing | $32,413 | $123,929 | $63,162 |
Marketing | $39,727 | $151,818 | $76,849 |
Media, Advertising, Arts & Entertainment | $31,673 | $115,936 | $69,797 |
Medical & Healthcare | $39,279 | $132,667 | $72,532 |
Mining, Oil & Gas | $58,125 | $254,025 | $119,730 |
Other | $22,000 | $160,000 | $82,554 |
PR & Communications | $37,063 | $135,556 | $71,611 |
Primary Industry | $36,277 | $124,167 | $61,560 |
Property & Real Estate | $32,923 | $164,231 | $72,640 |
Retail | $31,111 | $122,778 | $49,145 |
Sales | $35,750 | $176,250 | $77,090 |
Scientific | $35,468 | $125,264 | $78,252 |
Self-Employment | $16,547 | $215,000 | $72,777 |
Trades & Services | $26,908 | $111,922 | $59,494 |
All figures may include benefits
"When you are vegan or vegetarian, you are very aware that when people eat a meaty diet, they are kind of a graveyard for animals," vegan Nichola Kriek said in the Christchurch daily The Press. -
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. NUNCA ofereçam um camelo ...
. Et Voilà... look who's ba...
. E o primeiro-ministro de ...
. TRÊS, DOIS, UM ... ano pa...
. Nada de sexo com carnívor...